Comprehensive Nephrology Panel

An estimated 1 million people worldwide die from untreated kidney failure each year.1

Our comprehensive nephrology panel offers a targeted analysis of genes associated with major kidney related disorders. By utilizing advanced sequencing technologies and variant analysis algorithms, we identify and interpret genetic variants within these genes. These variants provide valuable insights into the underlying molecular mechanisms of kidney conditions, helping to identify at-risk individuals, provide accurate diagnoses, predict disease progression, assess prognosis, and guide personalized treatment strategies.

With the results obtained from our nephrology panel, informed decisions can be made regarding preventive measures, therapeutic interventions, and long-term follow-up. This leads to more precise and personalized care, empowering individuals to take proactive steps in managing their kidney health.

Alport Syndrome Nephrotic syndrome
Atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome panel Polycystic kidney
Bartter Syndrome panel Pseudohypoaldosteronism
Focal Glomerulonephrosis Urea cycle disorder
Meckel syndrome Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Bartter Syndrome panel Pseudohypoaldosteronism

Individual conditions are also offered

Clinical utility:

  • Accurate Diagnosis: Identifies specific genetic variants associated with kidney conditions for precise diagnosis.
  • Risk Assessment and Prognosis: Detects genetic variants linked to increased risk, enabling early identification and personalized monitoring.
  • Family Screening and Genetic Counseling: Facilitates screening of family members for risk assessment and enables informed family planning decisions.
  • Research and Advancements: Contributes to ongoing research on the genetic basis of kidney related diseases, leading to new discoveries and advancements.
  • Personalized Care: Allows tailored interventions and preventive measures based on individual genetic profiles.
  • Improved Patient Outcomes: Enhances patient care through precise diagnoses and proactive risk management.

Test specification

Technique Coverage Variant types TAT Sample requirements
NGS 150 - 180X SNP 3 - 4 weeks 2 ml EDTA Blood / 2 ug DNA

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