Comprehensive Cardiology Panel

Comprehensive Cardiology Panel

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death globally, responsible for an estimated 17.9 million lives lost each year. Among these, heart attacks and strokes account for more than four out of five CVD deaths, with one-third occurring prematurely in individuals under 70 years of age. These alarming statistics underscore the critical need for early detection and personalized management of cardiovascular conditions.

Our Comprehensive Cardiology Panel offers a cutting-edge approach to understanding and managing cardiovascular health. By targeting specific genes associated with major cardiovascular disorders, this panel provides a thorough genetic analysis, offering crucial insights into the molecular mechanisms behind various heart conditions. This knowledge empowers healthcare providers and patients to make informed decisions, leading to better preventive measures, therapeutic interventions, and long-term care strategies.


Conditions covered

Aortic aneurysm, hereditary thoracic panel Catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia panel
Arrhythmia Congenital heart defects
Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy Familial hypercholesterolemia
Brugada syndrome Heterotaxy
Cardiomyopathy dilated panel Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

Individual conditions are also offered

The Comprehensive Cardiology Panel is designed to assess a wide range of genetic factors that contribute to cardiovascular diseases. It utilizes advanced sequencing technologies and sophisticated variant analysis algorithms to identify and interpret genetic variants associated with heart conditions. This detailed genetic analysis is crucial for understanding the risk factors, disease progression, and potential outcomes for patients with cardiovascular disorders.

  1. Genetic Sequencing and Analysis: The panel focuses on sequencing genes that are known to be associated with cardiovascular diseases. By analyzing these genes, we can detect mutations or variants that may increase the risk of heart conditions.

  2. Variant Interpretation: Not all genetic variants have the same impact on health. Our advanced algorithms categorize these variants based on their clinical significance, allowing healthcare providers to understand which variants are most relevant to the patient’s condition.

  3. Molecular Insights: Understanding the genetic basis of cardiovascular diseases provides insights into the underlying molecular mechanisms. This knowledge can help in identifying the pathways involved in disease development, which can be targeted for therapeutic interventions.


Clinical utility:


When to Consider Cardiology Panel

The Comprehensive Cardiology Panel is recommended for:


MapmyGenome Offerings

MapmyGenome’s Comprehensive Cardiology Panel offers a comprehensive genetic analysis tailored to your cardiovascular health needs. Our offerings include:

  1. Complete Gene Panel Analysis: We analyze a wide array of genes associated with cardiovascular diseases, ensuring that no significant genetic factors are overlooked.

  2. Detailed Report and Interpretation: Each panel comes with a detailed report that includes an interpretation of the genetic variants found, their clinical significance, and personalized recommendations for management and care.

  3. Genetic Counseling: We provide access to genetic counselors who can help you understand your results, discuss the implications for your health, and assist with any necessary lifestyle or treatment changes.

  4. Family Screening Options: For those concerned about hereditary risks, we offer family screening packages that allow you to assess the cardiovascular risk for your loved ones.

  5. Ongoing Support: Cardiovascular health is a lifelong journey. MapmyGenome provides ongoing support to help you manage your heart health effectively, including updates on the latest research and recommendations based on your genetic profile.


Test specifications

Technique Coverage Variant types TAT Sample requirements
NGS 150 - 180X SNP 3 - 4 weeks 2 ml EDTA Blood / 2 ug DNA




Learn more:

Read: Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Listen: Revolutionizing Heart Health

Watch: The Power of Genetic Testing in Cardiovascular Care



What does the Comprehensive Cardiology Panel test for?

It assesses genetic markers related to heart disease, risk factors, and overall cardiovascular health.

How can the results of this panel benefit me?

Is the test suitable for everyone?

How do I prepare for the test?

What type of sample is needed?

How long does it take to get results?

Will insurance cover the cost of the test?

Can the panel identify all types of heart disease?

How are my results delivered?

What should I do with my results?