Infertility / IVF / RPL

Tests to investigate infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss

Chromosomal Microarray (CMA) - Infertility, IVF, RPL

CMA - Infertility, IVF, RPL

Discover how Chromosomal Microarray (CMA) can enhance infertility treatments, IVF success, and manage recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL). Learn about CMA's clinical utility, when to consider it, and MapmyGenome's advanced offerings for accurate genetic insights.

Fragile X syndrome

Discover comprehensive information on Fragile X Syndrome, including causes, clinical utility, and testing recommendations. Learn how MapmyGenome’s genetic testing services can assist with diagnosis, fertility issues, and family planning.

Karyotyping - Infertility/IVF/RPL

Discover how karyotyping can address infertility, IVF challenges, and recurrent pregnancy loss. Explore MapmyGenome’s advanced karyotyping services, genetic counseling, and personalized support for improved reproductive outcomes.

MATCHMYGENOME - Couple Carrier Screening for Infertility, IVF & RPL

Discover how Matchmygenome's Couple Carrier Screening helps couples identify genetic risks related to infertility, IVF, and recurrent pregnancy loss. Empower your family planning decisions with advanced genetic insights.

Y Chromosome Microdeletion

Explore Y chromosome microdeletions, a key factor in male infertility, including its impact, clinical utility, and when to consider testing. Discover how MapmyGenome’s advanced genetic testing can provide insights and guide treatment strategies for improved reproductive outcomes.