Karyotyping - Postnatal

Karyotyping - Postnatal

Postnatal karyotyping is a critical diagnostic tool used to detect chromosomal abnormalities in individuals who present with clinical symptoms of genetic disorders. While prenatal karyotyping focuses on detecting abnormalities in the developing fetus, postnatal karyotyping is utilized after birth to identify chromosomal conditions that may not have been evident during pregnancy or may develop later in life. This test plays an important role in diagnosing conditions like Down syndrome, Turner syndrome, and other chromosomal abnormalities, as well as guiding the medical management and family planning of those affected.

Karyotyping can help in understanding a variety of genetic issues, including aneuploidy (abnormal number of chromosomes), structural rearrangements, mosaicism (where some cells have different genetic makeup than others), and translocations. These abnormalities can be associated with developmental delays, physical malformations, infertility, or recurrent pregnancy loss. Through karyotyping, families can better understand the causes of genetic disorders and receive appropriate genetic counseling and medical support.

Karyotyping is a cytogenetic test that provides a visual representation of an individual‘s chromosomes. It detects large-scale chromosomal anomalies that may lead to various health issues. The process involves taking a sample of cells, typically from blood or skin, and staining the chromosomes to observe their structure under a microscope.

Karyotyping can detect a wide range of chromosomal abnormalities:

Postnatal karyotyping is essential for individuals exhibiting clinical signs of chromosomal abnormalities. It can confirm or refute earlier prenatal diagnoses, provide clarity for unexplained developmental issues, or offer insights into genetic predispositions that may affect future health. Importantly, it helps to provide a roadmap for ongoing treatment and management, especially in conditions with a high risk of recurrence.

Clinical Utility of Postnatal Karyotyping

  1. Diagnosis of Genetic Conditions: Karyotyping helps to diagnose chromosomal abnormalities in individuals already born and exhibiting symptoms of a genetic disorder. This diagnostic test is crucial for individuals with conditions such as Down syndrome, Turner syndrome, or other chromosomal abnormalities. Early diagnosis allows for tailored medical management and interventions that can significantly improve quality of life.

  2. Confirmation of Prenatal Test Results: In cases where a prenatal test, such as an amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling (CVS), identified a potential chromosomal abnormality, postnatal karyotyping is used to confirm the diagnosis after birth. This confirmation helps to validate the prenatal findings and refine the understanding of the condition.

  3. Unexplained Developmental Delays: If a child is experiencing developmental delays, intellectual disabilities, or physical malformations without a clear cause, karyotyping can be employed to identify potential chromosomal abnormalities. This provides an answer for parents and healthcare professionals seeking to understand the underlying reasons for these delays.

  4. Family Planning and Genetic Counseling: Identifying chromosomal abnormalities through postnatal karyotyping can help families understand their genetic risk. For instance, if a child is diagnosed with a chromosomal translocation, parents may want to be tested to determine if they carry a balanced translocation, which can influence future pregnancies.

  5. Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment: Some cancers are associated with specific chromosomal abnormalities, such as the Philadelphia chromosome in chronic myeloid leukemia. Karyotyping can help diagnose certain types of cancer and guide treatment decisions.

When to Consider Postnatal Karyotyping

There are several scenarios where postnatal karyotyping is recommended, including:

MapmyGenome Offerings: Postnatal Karyotyping

MapmyGenome offers comprehensive postnatal karyotyping services to detect chromosomal abnormalities that impact health and development. Our karyotyping services provide accurate, detailed chromosome analysis with the following features:

Test specification


Variant types


Sample Requirements

G - Band


10-12 days, 18 days for CVS

Serum heparin 2-3 ml, CVS


Learn more:

Read: Unveil Genetic Insights with Postnatal Karyotyping

Listen: Dive Into Chromosomal Health – Postnatal Karyotyping Explained

Watch: Discover How Postnatal Karyotyping Detects Genetic Conditions


What is postnatal karyotyping?

Postnatal karyotyping is a genetic test that examines an individual’s chromosomes after birth to detect chromosomal abnormalities that may explain developmental delays, congenital anomalies, or other genetic disorders.

When is postnatal karyotyping recommended?

What type of sample is required for postnatal karyotyping?

What conditions can postnatal karyotyping detect?

How accurate is postnatal karyotyping?

How long does it take to get results from postnatal karyotyping?

What should I do if the postnatal karyotyping results indicate a chromosomal abnormality?

Are there any risks associated with postnatal karyotyping?

Is postnatal karyotyping covered by insurance?

Can postnatal karyotyping detect all genetic disorders?