Onco screen

Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for nearly 10 million deaths in 2020. Each year, approximately 400 000 children develop cancer1

DNA OncoScreen is a comprehensive cancer screening test that helps identify the risk for developing certain types of cancers. It combines genetic risk assessment (<700000 markers across the genome) and biochemical testing to provide an accurate risk assessment for different cancers and known risk factors


Cancers are most curable in early stages of manifestation. Unfortunately, less than 20% of the cancer patients in India are diagnosed and treated in the early stages. Most cancers in the country are detected at a later stage due to the lack of awareness and screening strategies. Cancer screening can help in early detection, management and potentially, curing cancer.


Colorectal Cancer Obesity  
Prostate Cancer (♂) Prostate Specific Antigen(♂) CBC - Hb, RBC, Total WBC, MCH, MCV, PCV, MCHC, Differential count
Lung Cancer Nicotine Dependence ESR
Breast Cancer (♀) Alcohol Flush Reaction Beta-HCG
Bladder Cancer Antioxidants CUE
Melanoma Alcoholism AFP
Hodgkins Lymphoma   CEA
Non Hodgkins Lymphoma   Fecal occult blood testing
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia   CA-125 (♀)
Renal Cell Carcinoma   CA - 19.9
Ovarian Cancer(♀)   PSA (♂)
Thyroid Cancer   CA-15.3 (♀)
Pancreatic Cancer   LDH (♂)
Basal Cell Carcinoma    
Testicular Cancer (♂)    



  • Comprehensive screening for prevention & early detection of cancers with a combined biochemical & genetic analysis.
  • Wide array of blood tumour markers screened.
  • DNA mapping across 100+ genes using gold standard technology.
  • Genetic counselling and action plan, personalised to YOU.



Technique Coverage Variant types TAT Sample requirements
NGS 700 - 800X SNV 3 - 4 weeks 1µg - 2µg of DNA Sample, EDTA Blood (2-3ml), 4-5ml in Sodium Citrate tube, 4-5ml in ACD tube, Urine Sample, Stool sample


  1. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/cancer