Karyotyping - Infertility/IVF/RPL

Karyotyping for Infertility, IVF, and Recurrent Pregnancy Loss (RPL)

Karyotyping is a pivotal genetic test used to analyze an individual‘s chromosomes to identify genetic abnormalities that may impact reproductive health. This analysis is essential for couples facing challenges with infertility, undergoing In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), or experiencing recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL). Understanding and addressing chromosomal issues through karyotyping can significantly enhance the chances of successful conception and a healthy pregnancy.

Karyotyping involves examining the number and structure of chromosomes in a cell. It can detect major chromosomal abnormalities such as aneuploidy (an abnormal number of chromosomes), translocations (rearrangements of chromosome segments), Robertsonian translocations (a specific type of chromosomal rearrangement), and mosaicism (the presence of two or more genetically different cell lines in one individual).

Clinical Utility

When to Consider Karyotyping

MapmyGenome Offerings

MapmyGenome provides comprehensive karyotyping services designed to support couples navigating infertility, IVF, and RPL challenges:

Test specification


Variant types


Sample Requirements

G - Band


10-12 days, 18 days for CVS

Serum heparin 2-3 ml, CVS


Learn more:

Read: Uncovering the Genetic Insights - Karyotyping for Infertility and RPL

Listen: Understanding Karyotyping - The Key to Unlocking Fertility and RPL Solutions

Watch: Karyotyping Explained - How It Can Transform Your IVF Journey and Combat RPL


What is karyotyping in the context of infertility, IVF, and RPL?

Karyotyping is a genetic test that examines the chromosomes of individuals to identify chromosomal abnormalities that may be causing infertility, failed IVF attempts, or recurrent pregnancy loss.

When is karyotyping recommended for infertility, IVF, or RPL?

What type of sample is required for karyotyping in infertility, IVF, or RPL cases?

What conditions can karyotyping detect in the context of infertility and RPL?

How can karyotyping help in IVF treatment?

What should I do if my karyotyping results indicate a chromosomal abnormality?

How long does it take to get results from karyotyping in infertility/IVF/RPL cases?

Are there any risks associated with karyotyping in infertility/IVF/RPL?

Is karyotyping for infertility/IVF/RPL covered by insurance?

Can karyotyping identify all causes of infertility, failed IVF, or RPL?