Onco screen

DNA OncoScreen by Mapmygenome

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death globally, with nearly 10 million deaths in 2020 alone. Each year, approximately 400,000 children are diagnosed with cancer, further highlighting the disease’s widespread impact. Despite the staggering statistics, cancer is often curable when detected in its early stages. The problem, however, is that less than 20% of cancer patients in India are diagnosed and treated in the early stages due to a lack of awareness and limited access to screening strategies.

DNA OncoScreen is designed to address this gap by offering a comprehensive cancer screening test that assesses genetic risks and biochemical markers. The test analyzes over 700,000 genetic markers across the genome, combined with various biochemical tests, to provide an accurate risk assessment for different types of cancers and known risk factors.

This integrated approach enables individuals to proactively manage their health by identifying cancer risks early and making informed decisions about prevention, treatment, and lifestyle changes.

Why DNA OncoScreen?

Early detection is key to successful cancer treatment. Many cancers, when detected at an early stage, can be treated more effectively, reducing the risk of severe outcomes. However, in countries like India, the lack of widespread cancer screening leads to late-stage diagnoses, making treatment more challenging and reducing survival rates.

DNA OncoScreen provides a solution by identifying potential cancer risks long before symptoms appear. This test empowers individuals with vital information about their genetic predisposition to various cancers, allowing for early intervention, personalized medical advice, and preventive care.

Additionally, the test’s biochemical markers offer insights into various health traits and conditions, helping to detect underlying issues like obesity or hormone imbalances that may contribute to cancer risks.

Conditions Covered by DNA OncoScreen




Colorectal Cancer



Prostate Cancer (♂)

Prostate Specific Antigen(♂)

CBC - Hb, RBC, Total WBC, MCH, MCV, PCV, MCHC, Differential count

Lung Cancer

Nicotine Dependence


Breast Cancer (♀)

Alcohol Flush Reaction


Bladder Cancer






Hodgkins Lymphoma



Non Hodgkins Lymphoma


Fecal occult blood testing

Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia


CA-125 (♀)

Renal Cell Carcinoma


CA - 19.9

Ovarian Cancer(♀)


PSA (♂)

Thyroid Cancer


CA-15.3 (♀)

Pancreatic Cancer


LDH (♂)


Clinical Utility of DNA OncoScreen

The clinical utility of DNA OncoScreen lies in its comprehensive approach to cancer prevention and early detection. By combining both genetic and biochemical testing, the test provides a robust risk assessment for a wide range of cancers. This test is suitable for both individuals with a family history of cancer and those looking to proactively manage their health.

Here are the key benefits of DNA OncoScreen:

When to Consider DNA OncoScreen

MapmyGenome Offerings

MapmyGenome provides a wide range of services in conjunction with the DNA OncoScreen test:

Test specifications




Variant types


Sample Requirements


Illumina iScan

700 - 800X


3 - 4 weeks

1µg - 2µg of DNA Sample, EDTA Blood (2-3ml), 4-5ml in Sodium Citrate tube, 4-5ml in ACD tube, Urine Sample, Stool sample


Learn more:

Read: Discover the Power of DNA OncoScreen for Cancer Prevention

Listen: Stay Ahead of Cancer Risk with DNA OncoScreen

Watch: Understanding DNA OncoScreen - Early Cancer Detection Explained


What is DNA OncoScreen?

DNA OncoScreen is a comprehensive cancer screening test that combines genetic risk assessment and biochemical testing to identify the risk for various cancers. It examines genetic markers and biochemical factors associated with cancer development.

How does DNA OncoScreen help in cancer prevention?

Which types of cancers are covered in the DNA OncoScreen test?

Who should consider taking the DNA OncoScreen test?

What are the benefits of early cancer detection through DNA OncoScreen?

How accurate is the DNA OncoScreen test?

Is DNA OncoScreen suitable for both men and women?

Does DNA OncoScreen include any non-cancer-related tests?

How do I prepare for the DNA OncoScreen test?

What happens after I receive my DNA OncoScreen results?