Chromosomal Microarray (CMA) - Infertility, IVF, RPL

Chromosomal Microarray (CMA) is a groundbreaking genetic testing tool crucial for diagnosing infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL). By analyzing the entire genome, CMA detects subtle chromosomal anomalies often missed by traditional methods, providing insights that can guide fertility treatments and improve outcomes.



Understanding Chromosomal Microarray (CMA)

How CMA Works
CMA is a high-resolution microarray technology that scans the entire genome to identify chromosomal imbalances. It detects submicroscopic deletions and duplications known as copy number variants (CNVs), which are associated with a range of genetic disorders. Unlike traditional karyotyping, CMA offers a more detailed and accurate analysis, making it an essential tool in fertility and prenatal testing.

What CMA Detects
CMA can identify various genetic abnormalities, including:

Recurrent Pregnancy Loss (RPL)

Recurrent pregnancy loss is an important reproductive health issue, affecting 2%–5% of couples.2



Clinical Utility of CMA in Infertility and RPL

CMA plays a vital role in diagnosing and managing infertility and RPL by detecting chromosomal abnormalities that contribute to these conditions. It provides valuable insights into the genetic factors affecting fertility and pregnancy, guiding personalized treatment plans.

Key benefits of CMA include:


When is CMA Recommended?

CMA is recommended in several scenarios to enhance the diagnosis and treatment of infertility and RPL. Key situations include:


Our CMA Testing Services

At MapmyGenome, we offer comprehensive CMA testing services, optimized for detecting chromosomal abnormalities with high accuracy. Our services include:


Test specification

Technique Variant Types TAT Sample Requirements
Microarray CNV 3-4 weeks EDTA Blood or Extracted DNA samples (1µg - 2µg), POC 100-200g in PBS Solution, (Mother Blood for MCC assay), CVS Sample/Amniotic Fluid/Cultured Cells - Cell Pellet in 1.5mL tubeTest Specifications:


  1. McIntyre, Kelsey J., et al. "A Role for Chromosomal Microarray Testing in the Workup of Male Infertility." The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics 22.9 (2020): 1189-1198.
  2. El Hachem, Hady et al. “Recurrent pregnancy loss: current perspectives.” International journal of women‘s health vol. 9 331-345. 17 May. 2017, doi:10.2147/IJWH.S100817


What is Chromosomal Microarray Analysis (CMA)?

CMA is a genetic test that detects small chromosomal changes, such as deletions or duplications, that may not be visible with traditional karyotyping.

How does CMA benefit infertility/IVF/RPL cases?

How does CMA impact the IVF process?

What kind of genetic abnormalities can CMA detect?

How is a CMA test conducted?

What is the turnaround time for CMA results?

Are there any risks associated with CMA?

How does CMA differ from karyotyping?

What do the results of a CMA test indicate?

Can both partners undergo CMA testing?

What steps follow if CMA detects an abnormality?