BabyMap - Newborn screening

BabyMap Newborn Screening

Each year, around 27 million babies are born in India, and approximately 15% of neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admissions are due to inborn errors of metabolism (IEMs) and other genetic conditions. These disorders, if undetected and untreated, can lead to lifelong challenges such as intellectual disability, learning disorders, autism, dyslexia, behavioral issues, and developmental setbacks. Early detection and intervention are crucial to giving your newborn the best start in life.

BabyMap Newborn Screening offers a comprehensive way to detect a range of genetic, metabolic, and congenital conditions shortly after your baby’s birth. By identifying potential health risks early on, you can take proactive steps to provide your child with optimal care, supporting healthy development and preventing future complications. Whether it’s a common metabolic disorder or a rare genetic condition, BabyMap empowers parents and healthcare providers to make informed decisions about the newborn‘s health and well-being.

Newborn screening is designed to detect a wide array of disorders that may not be immediately obvious but can significantly impact the child’s health. With advanced techniques like tandem mass spectrometry and next-generation sequencing (NGS), this screening process allows for the early identification of conditions that, when left undiagnosed, may cause irreversible damage.

Here’s a breakdown of some key categories covered by BabyMap Newborn Screening:

  1. Genetic Disorders
    These conditions arise from inherited mutations and may not show any symptoms at birth. Early detection is crucial for preventing long-term health complications. Some of the key genetic disorders screened include:

    • Phenylketonuria (PKU): A metabolic disorder that can cause intellectual disability if untreated.
    • Cystic Fibrosis (CF): Affects the lungs and digestive system, leading to severe respiratory and digestive problems.
    • Sickle Cell Disease and Thalassemia: These hemoglobinopathies can cause anemia and other blood-related issues, requiring early intervention for proper management.
  2. Metabolic Disorders
    Metabolic disorders affect the body’s ability to break down or process molecules like amino acids and fatty acids. Early identification helps in managing these disorders through dietary changes and medical intervention. Conditions screened under metabolic disorders include:

    • Organic Acidemias: A group of inherited metabolic conditions that can lead to severe health problems if untreated.
    • Fatty Acid Oxidation Disorders: These conditions interfere with the body’s ability to metabolize fats, which can result in serious complications like hypoglycemia.
    • Urea Cycle Disorders: Affect the body’s ability to remove waste products, leading to toxic buildups.
  3. Congenital Disorders
    These are conditions present at birth that can affect a newborn‘s health immediately. Early diagnosis ensures timely treatment and support for normal development. Conditions include:

    • Congenital Hypothyroidism: A lack of thyroid hormone that can affect growth and brain development.
    • Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH): A condition affecting hormone production that can lead to a range of health issues.
    • Galactosemia: A disorder affecting the body’s ability to process the sugar galactose, leading to serious complications if untreated.
  4. Hemoglobinopathies
    These are disorders related to abnormal hemoglobin in the blood, leading to conditions like anemia or other blood disorders. Early detection helps prevent severe complications. Conditions covered include:

    • Sickle Cell Anemia: An inherited blood disorder causing red blood cells to deform, leading to various health issues.
    • Thalassemia: A blood disorder that causes the body to produce fewer healthy red blood cells.

Clinical Utility

Newborn screening is essential for identifying serious health issues before they become apparent. By detecting chromosomal and genetic abnormalities, this screening helps healthcare professionals provide more effective and targeted interventions. The clinical utility of BabyMap Newborn Screening includes:

When to Consider BabyMap Newborn Screening

Newborn screening should be considered for all babies, as it offers the opportunity to detect conditions that could otherwise go unnoticed. It’s particularly recommended in cases where:

MapmyGenome Offerings

At MapmyGenome, we offer a range of newborn screening packages designed to provide comprehensive coverage of genetic and metabolic disorders. Our powerful screening technology ensures precise and accurate results, providing families with the information they need to give their child the best possible start.

Why Choose MapmyGenome?

Our BabyMap Newborn Screening offers:


Learn more:

Read: Uncover Genetic Insights: Learn More About BabyMap Newborn Screening

Listen: Understanding BabyMap Newborn Screening for Your Baby‘s Future

Watch: BabyMap Newborn Screening – Early Detection for Lifelong Health


What is BabyMap?

BabyMap is a newborn screening test offered by Mapmygenome that analyzes a baby’s DNA to detect genetic conditions and potential health risks early in life. It aims to provide comprehensive information about a baby’s genetic profile, helping in early diagnosis and management of inherited disorders.

What conditions does BabyMap screen for?

How is the BabyMap test performed?

Why is newborn screening important?

How accurate is the BabyMap test?

When should the BabyMap test be done?

What happens if the test results are positive?

Are there any risks or side effects associated with the BabyMap test?

Is BabyMap covered by insurance?

How can I get more information or schedule a BabyMap test?