BabyMap - CMA Postnatal

CMA - Postnatal

Chromosomal Microarray (CMA) has become a key diagnostic tool for postnatal genetic evaluation, providing unparalleled insights into genetic abnormalities that impact developmental and health outcomes in children. A growing body of clinical evidence supports CMA as a first-line genetic test for individuals presenting with developmental delays, intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, and multiple congenital anomalies. As an advanced, high-resolution genetic test, CMA is quickly replacing traditional karyotyping in the diagnosis of chromosomal anomalies and related genetic conditions.

CMA postnatal testing is highly recommended for children and individuals with developmental delays, intellectual disabilities, congenital anomalies, and unexplained clinical presentations that may have a genetic basis. It is also invaluable for identifying chromosomal abnormalities that could not be detected through traditional karyotyping or other genetic tests.

Unlike other tests, CMA also screens for regions of the genome affected by uniparental disomy (UPD), a condition where a child inherits both copies of a chromosome from one parent, which can result in developmental and metabolic issues.

Clinical Utility of CMA - Postnatal

  1. Diagnosis of Genetic Conditions: CMA is essential for diagnosing various genetic conditions, including those involving intellectual disability, developmental delays, and congenital anomalies.

  2. Differentiating De Novo vs. Familial Disorders: CMA helps distinguish between de novo (new, spontaneous mutations) and inherited chromosomal anomalies, providing families with valuable information about recurrence risks.

  3. Clarifying Clinical Significance of CNVs: CMA aids in interpreting the clinical relevance of CNVs, which can influence patient management strategies.

  4. Tailoring Treatment and Management: By understanding the specific chromosomal changes causing a condition, doctors can tailor treatment plans and provide families with more accurate prognoses.

When to Consider CMA Testing - Postnatal

CMA is recommended in a wide range of postnatal scenarios, including:

  1. Developmental Delays and Intellectual Disabilities: Children with unexplained developmental delays or intellectual disabilities can benefit from CMA testing to identify underlying genetic causes.

  2. Multiple Congenital Anomalies: Infants born with multiple congenital anomalies, especially when the anomalies do not fit a well-known syndrome, should undergo CMA testing to identify chromosomal imbalances.

  3. Autism Spectrum Disorders: For children diagnosed with autism or pervasive developmental disorders, CMA can help uncover the genetic causes and offer personalized intervention strategies.

  4. Unexplained Physical or Developmental Features: CMA is useful for children with ambiguous genitalia, facial dysmorphisms, or limb anomalies, helping to explain the genetic basis of these features.

  5. Seizures and Neurological Conditions: Children with epilepsy or neurological abnormalities can benefit from CMA to detect genetic changes associated with their condition.

  6. Family History of Genetic Disorders: If there is a family history of chromosomal abnormalities or genetic disorders, CMA can assess whether the same mutations or anomalies are present in the child.

  7. Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: For families who have experienced multiple miscarriages, CMA can detect chromosomal changes that may be contributing to pregnancy losses.

Advantages of CMA Over Other Postnatal Testing Options

CMA offers several advantages compared to traditional postnatal genetic testing options:

MapmyGenome Offerings

At MapmyGenome, we offer advanced chromosomal microarray testing for postnatal applications, including:

Test specification



Variant types


Sample Requirements


Illumina 700K gene chip


3 -4  weeks

  • EDTA Blood (2-3ml)

  • Extracted DNA samples (1µg - 2µg)


Learn more:

Read: Unlock Early Genetic Insights for Better Care

Listen: How CMA Postnatal Testing Transforms Diagnosis

Watch: Breakthroughs in Postnatal CMA for Child Development


What is CMA Postnatal testing?

CMA Postnatal (Chromosomal Microarray Analysis) testing is a genetic test used to identify chromosomal abnormalities in children that may be linked to developmental delays, intellectual disabilities, or congenital anomalies.

Why is CMA Postnatal testing recommended?

What kinds of genetic abnormalities can CMA Postnatal testing detect?

How is the sample collected for CMA Postnatal testing?

What is the turnaround time for CMA Postnatal test results?

How accurate is CMA Postnatal testing?

What should I do if the CMA Postnatal test results are abnormal?

Can CMA Postnatal testing detect all genetic disorders?

Is CMA Postnatal testing painful for my child?

Is CMA Postnatal testing covered by insurance?