Comprehensive Neurology Panel

Comprehensive Neurology Panel

Neurological disorders affect millions of people worldwide, posing significant challenges to public health. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that one billion people are affected by neurological disorders, with 50 million suffering from epilepsy and 24 million from Alzheimer’s and other dementias. Understanding the genetic underpinnings of these conditions can lead to better diagnosis, treatment, and prevention strategies. Our Comprehensive Neurology Panel is designed to offer a deep dive into the genetic factors that contribute to various neurological disorders, providing healthcare professionals with the tools they need to offer personalized care to their patients.

Key Conditions Covered

The Comprehensive Neurology Panel is a powerful tool that analyzes a wide range of genes associated with neurological disorders. Using state-of-the-art sequencing technologies and sophisticated variant analysis algorithms, we identify and interpret genetic variants within these genes. The panel covers a broad spectrum of neurological conditions, including:

This panel not only identifies genetic variants associated with these conditions but also provides insights into how these variants may influence disease progression, prognosis, and response to treatment.

Aicardi-goutieressyndrome Congenital myopathy Familial hemiplegicmigraine Neuronal migration disorders
Alzheimer Dejerine-Sottas Syndrome Frontotemporal dementia Oculomotor apraxia
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Dementia Joubert syndrome Parkinson‘s disease
Autism spectrum disorders Dopa-responsive dystonia Leigh syndrome and mitochondrial encephalopathy Pontocerebellar hypoplasia
Central hypoventilation syndrome Dravet syndrome Spastic paraplegia autosomal dominant & recessive Ullrich congenital muscular dystrophy
Cerebellar ataxia Early infantile epileptic encephalopathy Lissencephaly panel Waardenburg syndrome
Cerebral cavernous malformations Epilepsy Mental retardation,X-linked Walker-Warburg syndrome
Ceroid lipofuscinosis Epileptic encephalopathy Myoclonic dystonia  
Congenital myasthenic syndrome Episodic ataxia Myoclonic epilepsy  

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Individual conditions are also offered

Clinical utility

When to Consider the Comprehensive Neurology Panel

Healthcare providers should consider utilizing the Comprehensive Neurology Panel in the following situations:

MapmyGenome Offerings

At MapmyGenome, we offer a comprehensive suite of genetic testing services designed to support healthcare providers in delivering personalized care. Our Comprehensive Neurology Panel includes:


Test specification 

Technique Coverage Variant types TAT Sample requirements
NGS 150 - 180X SNP 3 - 4 weeks 2 ml EDTA Blood / 2 ug DNA



Learn More: 

Read: Neuro Genes

Listen: Decoding Brain Health

Watch: The Power of Comprehensive Neurology Panels





What does the Comprehensive Neurology Panel assess?

It analyzes genetic markers related to neurological health and susceptibility to various brain and nerve disorders.

How can this panel help with lung health?

Who should consider this panel?

What kind of sample is required for the test?

How long does it take to receive results?

Do I need to follow any special instructions before the test?

Will my health insurance cover this test?

Can this panel identify all neurological conditions?

How are my results delivered?

How will I receive my test results?

What should I do with my results?