Thyroid Cancer


DNA OncoNex – Thyroid Cancer

Thyroid cancer is a significant health concern, with about 12,000 new cases in men and 33,000 in women each year. This type of cancer is also a leading cause of cancer-related deaths, affecting nearly 1,100 women and 950 men annually. Despite its prevalence, advancements in diagnostic technologies are improving our ability to manage and treat thyroid cancer effectively. One of the most promising developments in this field is the DNA OncoNex – Thyroid Cancer test, which leverages cutting-edge Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology to provide a comprehensive analysis of genetic factors associated with thyroid cancer.

DNA OncoNex is a state-of-the-art targeted NGS assay that analyzes 70 genes linked to thyroid cancer. This test is designed to uncover a wide range of genetic mutations and alterations that may play a role in the development and progression of thyroid cancer. By sequencing these genes, DNA OncoNex provides valuable insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying thyroid cancer, helping to identify novel therapeutic targets and potential treatment options.

Thyroid cancer primarily includes several types:

  1. Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma (PTC): The most common form, making up approximately 89.9% of thyroid cancer cases.
  2. Follicular Thyroid Carcinoma (FTC): Constitutes about 4.5% of thyroid cancers.
  3. Hurthle-cell Carcinoma: Accounts for 1.5% of cases.
  4. Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma (ATC): Represents 0.8% of thyroid cancer cases.

NGS technology enhances the diagnostic accuracy for these cancers, particularly in cases where fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology results are indeterminate. By analyzing the genetic profile of thyroid tumors, NGS helps stratify patient risk and guide personalized treatment plans.

A notable advantage of DNA OncoNex is its ability to detect specific genetic mutations commonly found in thyroid cancers, including:

  • Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase (TERT): Mutations in TERT are prevalent in thyroid cancers, occurring in 22-23% of papillary thyroid carcinoma cases and over 50% in poorly differentiated and anaplastic thyroid carcinomas.
  • BRAF V600E Mutation: This mutation is found in approximately 45% of patients with papillary thyroid carcinoma, making it a critical target for therapeutic intervention.

Clinical Utility

The clinical utility of DNA OncoNex lies in its comprehensive approach to thyroid cancer diagnostics and treatment planning:

  1. Identify Driver Mutations: The test reveals specific genetic mutations that drive thyroid cancer development, providing crucial information for targeted therapy.
  2. Drug Profiling: By identifying mutations and genetic alterations, DNA OncoNex helps in profiling appropriate chemotherapy and targeted drugs.
  3. Predictive Biomarker Identification: The assay aids in detecting predictive genomic biomarkers that can guide therapeutic decisions.
  4. Comprehensive Coverage: With its broad gene panel, DNA OncoNex offers extensive coverage and in-depth analysis, detecting both known and novel genetic variants.
  5. Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness: The multigene approach of NGS reduces diagnostic time and provides a more economical solution compared to traditional methods.

When to Consider DNA OncoNex – Thyroid Cancer

DNA OncoNex is particularly valuable in several scenarios:

  • Initial Diagnosis: If thyroid cancer is suspected based on clinical symptoms or imaging results, DNA OncoNex can provide a detailed genetic profile to guide diagnosis and treatment.
  • Indeterminate FNA Results: For patients with inconclusive fine needle aspiration cytology, the test offers additional insights to clarify the diagnosis.
  • Risk Assessment: Individuals with a family history of thyroid cancer or those presenting with symptoms such as a lump in the neck, hoarseness, or difficulty swallowing should consider genetic testing for a comprehensive risk assessment.
  • Treatment Planning: Patients with known thyroid cancer can use the results of DNA OncoNex to select the most effective targeted therapies and monitor treatment responses.

MapmyGenome Offerings

MapmyGenome is dedicated to providing advanced genomic solutions through DNA OncoNex. Our offerings include:

  • Targeted Gene Panel: Focus on 70 key genes associated with thyroid cancer, ensuring comprehensive genetic analysis.
  • Guided Screening: Adheres to National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) guidelines for the screening of clinically significant genes.
  • Genetic Counseling: Expert counseling services to interpret test results and discuss personalized management and treatment options.
  • Reporting: Provides detailed reports on Pathogenic and Likely Pathogenic Variants, following ACMG recommended guidelines.
  • Bioinformatics Excellence: Utilizes a best-in-class bioinformatics pipeline, ensuring the most accurate analysis conducted by our experienced team.

Test Specification

Technique Coverage Variant types TAT Sample requirements
NGS 800 - 1000X SNV 3 - 4 weeks FFPE (Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded) Sample - Somatic cases, Blood Sample - Germline cases


Learn more:

Read: Unveiling Thyroid Cancer: Discover the Power of DNA OncoNex

Listen: How DNA OncoNex Transforms Thyroid Cancer Diagnosis

Watch: DNA OncoNex – Revolutionizing Thyroid Cancer Care


What is DNA OncoNex - Thyroid Cancer?

DNA OncoNex - Thyroid Cancer is a genetic test that detects mutations and biomarkers associated with thyroid cancer to assess risk and guide treatment strategies.

Who should consider this test?

What is the process for taking the test?

Which genetic mutations are evaluated?

How can this test help in managing thyroid cancer?

What are the implications of a positive result?

Are there any limitations to this test?

How are the results explained to patients?

What follow-up actions are recommended after receiving results?

Do I need to make any special preparations for this test?