MATCHMYGENOME - Couple Carrier Screening for Infertility, IVF & RPL

Matchmygenome - Couple Carrier Screening for Infertility, IVF & Recurrent Pregnancy Loss (RPL)

Matchmygenome is a comprehensive Couple Carrier Screening test designed to identify the carrier status of genetic disorders in couples. It estimates the risk of passing on genetic conditions to future offspring, making it an essential tool for those dealing with infertility, recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL), or undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF). Carrier screening is no longer just an optional test; it has become an integral part of reproductive health and family planning, as recommended by major medical organizations such as ACOG and ACMG.

For couples facing infertility or frequent miscarriages, the knowledge of carrier status can significantly impact reproductive decisions. The early identification of potential genetic risks allows couples to make informed choices about how to proceed with family planning, fertility treatments, or other interventions to improve their chances of having a healthy child.

Carrier screening involves testing to detect gene mutations that may cause genetic disorders. Many genetic conditions are "recessive," meaning that an individual must inherit two copies of a defective gene (one from each parent) to develop the disorder. Carriers typically have one normal gene and one mutated gene, which does not affect their health. However, if both partners are carriers of the same genetic disorder, they have a 25% chance of having an affected child with each pregnancy.

Matchmygenome’s Couple Carrier Screening test uses advanced Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology to screen for over 750 genetic conditions that could impact fertility, pregnancy outcomes, and overall reproductive health. This high-resolution screening is particularly valuable for couples experiencing unexplained infertility, recurrent pregnancy loss, or undergoing IVF, as it helps uncover genetic factors that may be at play.

Clinical Utility

When to Consider Carrier Screening

Carrier screening is recommended for a wide range of individuals and couples, particularly those facing reproductive challenges:

MapmyGenome Offerings

MapmyGenome offers a state-of-the-art Couple Carrier Screening service that is ideal for couples planning a family or currently undergoing fertility treatments. Here’s what you can expect:

Test specifications




Variant types


Sample requirements


Illumina iScan



3-4 weeks

2-4 mL EDTA blood from each partner

1-2 µg purified DNA from each partner

Learn more:

Read: Explore the Importance of Couple Carrier Screening for Infertility & IVF

Listen: Couple Carrier Screening for Infertility & RPL Explained

Watch: Genetic Screening for Infertility & Pregnancy Loss Solutions


What is Couple Carrier Screening?

Couple Carrier Screening is a genetic test that identifies whether individuals carry genetic mutations that could be passed on to their children. It helps prospective parents assess their risk of having a child with a genetic disorder that is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner.

Why should my partner and I undergo Couple Carrier Screening?

What genetic conditions can be screened for?

How is the Couple Carrier Screening performed?

When is the best time to undergo Couple Carrier Screening?

How accurate is Couple Carrier Screening?

What happens if both partners are carriers for the same condition?

Can this panel identify all neurological conditions?

Are there any risks or side effects associated with the screening?

Will my insurance cover the cost of Couple Carrier Screening?

How will I receive my results, and what should I do next?