Pancreatic Cancer Panels

Pancreatic Cancer Panel

Pancreatic cancer is one of the most aggressive forms of cancer, often diagnosed at an advanced stage due to the lack of early symptoms. Identifying individuals who are at increased genetic risk for pancreatic cancer can help in early detection, personalized management, and better treatment outcomes. Mapmygenome’s Pancreatic Cancer Panel offers a comprehensive genetic analysis that identifies mutations associated with a higher risk of developing pancreatic cancer, offering actionable insights for patients and healthcare providers.

The Pancreatic Cancer Panel by MapmyGenome is designed to evaluate genetic mutations that are known to increase the risk of pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic cancer can be particularly difficult to detect early, but individuals with certain genetic mutations may have a higher susceptibility to developing this disease. This test targets a group of genes that are closely associated with pancreatic cancer and provides a clear genetic profile that can guide preventive and therapeutic decisions.

For individuals with a family history of pancreatic cancer or other related cancers, understanding their genetic makeup can be critical. The panel identifies mutations that might predispose them to pancreatic cancer, helping them and their healthcare team plan proactive measures, from lifestyle modifications to enhanced surveillance or even early intervention.

The Pancreatic Cancer Panel uses advanced Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology to examine multiple genes that have been scientifically linked to an increased risk of pancreatic cancer. The key genes analyzed in this panel include:

By assessing these and other genes, the panel provides a thorough genetic profile that can help determine if a person carries mutations that increase the risk of pancreatic cancer. This knowledge can empower patients and physicians to take proactive steps, such as undergoing regular screenings or exploring preventive treatments.

Clinical Utility

The Pancreatic Cancer Panel offers several important clinical benefits for both patients and doctors:

  1. Risk Assessment: The panel identifies mutations in key genes that increase the risk of developing pancreatic cancer. Individuals who carry these mutations can work with their healthcare team to create a personalized risk management plan, which may include increased surveillance and preventive strategies.

  2. Early Detection: While pancreatic cancer often presents few symptoms in its early stages, individuals identified as high-risk can benefit from regular screenings such as endoscopic ultrasound or MRI, allowing for earlier diagnosis when treatment is most effective.

  3. Guiding Treatment Decisions: For individuals already diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, genetic information can guide treatment options, including targeted therapies and precision medicine. For example, BRCA mutation carriers may respond better to specific chemotherapy or PARP inhibitors, which can significantly improve outcomes.

  4. Family Risk Information: The results of this genetic test may provide valuable insights for other family members, helping to identify if they are also at risk of developing pancreatic cancer or other cancers, allowing for early interventions.

  5. Genetic Counseling: Genetic counseling is a critical component of the testing process. A genetic counselor can help patients understand their results and discuss the implications for both personal health and family planning. This ensures that patients are well-informed and supported in making decisions about preventive and treatment strategies.

When to Consider Testing

There are several scenarios in which the Pancreatic Cancer Panel can be particularly useful:

Testing for genetic mutations with the Pancreatic Cancer Panel is also recommended for individuals who want to be proactive in managing their health, especially if they are concerned about their cancer risk.

MapmyGenome Offerings

MapmyGenome offers a comprehensive range of services with the Pancreatic Cancer Panel, ensuring both accuracy and clarity for patients and doctors:

  1. Advanced Gene Panel Coverage: The panel covers all major genes known to be associated with pancreatic cancer risk, including BRCA1, BRCA2, PALB2, CDKN2A, STK11, and others.

  2. Genetic Counseling: Personalized genetic counseling is provided both before and after the test to help patients and their families understand the implications of the results. This service is essential for informed decision-making about surveillance, preventive options, and family planning.

  3. High-Quality Reporting: Test results are presented in a clear, comprehensive report that follows the recommended guidelines for pathogenic and likely pathogenic variants. These reports are easy to understand for both patients and healthcare providers.

  4. State-of-the-Art Technology: Using NGS technology, MapmyGenome ensures high accuracy in detecting genetic mutations. Our best-in-class bioinformatics pipeline ensures precision in analyzing complex genetic data, providing you with reliable results.

  5. Support for Families: If a hereditary cancer syndrome is identified, family members may also choose to undergo genetic testing. This helps assess their risk and allows for early intervention where needed.


Learn more:

Read: Uncover Your Genetic Risk - Pancreatic Cancer Insights

Listen: Genomic Discoveries in Pancreatic Cancer

Watch: Genetic Testing for Pancreatic Cancer - A Comprehensive Guide


What is the Pancreatic Cancer Panel?

The Pancreatic Cancer Panel is a comprehensive genetic test that analyzes multiple genes associated with an increased risk of developing pancreatic cancer, such as BRCA1, BRCA2, PALB2, and others.

Who should consider taking the Pancreatic Cancer Panel?

What genes are included in the Pancreatic Cancer Panel?

How does the test work?

What will the results tell me?

If I test positive for a genetic mutation, does that mean I will definitely get pancreatic cancer?

How long does it take to receive the results?

Do I need genetic counseling before and after the test?

Will my insurance cover the Pancreatic Cancer Panel?

How can I use the results to make informed decisions about my health?