Beta Thalassemia

Approximately 68,000 children are born with various thalassemia syndromes each year. β-thalassemia is highly prevalent, with 80 to 90 million people reported to be carriers across the world (1.5% of the global population)1

Thalassemia is an inherited blood disorder caused when the body doesn’t make enough of an important part of red blood cells called hemoglobin. The function of red blood cells is to carry oxygen to all the cells of the body. When there isn’t enough hemoglobin, the red blood cells don’t function properly and they live for shorter periods of time. Because of this there is also not enough oxygen delivered to all the other cells of the body. This may cause a person to feel tired, short of breath or weak. This condition is called anemia.

There are two types of Thalassemia based on which part of the protein got affected. If the Beta part of the hemoglobin is not made then it is called Beta thalassemia.

When should you get tested?

Test specifications

Technique Variant types TAT Sample requirements
Sanger sequencing Mutation 3 - 4 weeks 2 ml EDTA Blood / 2 ug DNA


  1. Origa, Raffaella. "β-Thalassemia." Genetics in Medicine 19.6 (2017): 609-619.


What is beta-thalassemia?

Beta-thalassemia is a genetic blood disorder characterized by reduced or absent production of beta-globin chains, which are essential components of hemoglobin. This leads to anemia and various health complications.

How is beta-thalassemia inherited?

What are the different types of beta-thalassemia?

What are the symptoms of beta-thalassemia?

How is beta-thalassemia diagnosed?

What treatments are available for beta-thalassemia?

Can beta-thalassemia be cured?

How does beta-thalassemia affect daily life?

Can beta-thalassemia be prevented?

What support resources are available for individuals with beta-thalassemia?