MTHFR Gene Polymorphism


There are two predominant MTHFR polymorphisms, 677C>T and 1298A>C. In the general population, 60–70% of individuals will have at least one of these variants, 8.5% will be homozygous for 677C>T or 1298A>C, and 2.25% will be compound heterozygous. 1

MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase) gene polymorphism refers to variations in the DNA sequence of the MTHFR gene. The MTHFR gene codes for an enzyme called methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase, which plays a vital role in the metabolism of folate, a B vitamin essential for numerous biochemical processes in the body.

Variations in the MTHFR gene can result in reduced enzyme activity, affecting the body‘s ability to convert folate into its active form. This can lead to elevated levels of homocysteine, an amino acid, and lower levels of active folate.

The impact of MTHFR gene polymorphism is still a subject of ongoing research and debate. Some studies have suggested potential associations between certain MTHFR variants and an increased risk of various health conditions, such as cardiovascular diseases, blood clotting disorders, neural tube defects in pregnancies, and complications related to methotrexate therapy. However, it is important to note that the clinical significance of MTHFR gene polymorphisms can vary among individuals. While some may experience no apparent health consequences, others may be more susceptible to the effects of reduced folate metabolism.

When should you get tested?

Test Specifications

Technique Variant types TAT Sample requirements
Sanger sequencing Mutation 3 - 4 weeks 2 ml EDTA Blood / 2 ug DNA



Quick Product Overview:


What is the MTHFR gene?

The MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase) gene provides instructions for making an enzyme involved in processing amino acids, specifically in converting folate (vitamin B9) into its active form.

What is MTHFR gene polymorphism?

How is MTHFR gene polymorphism inherited?

What are the common MTHFR gene mutations?

What health conditions are associated with MTHFR gene polymorphism?

How is MTHFR gene polymorphism diagnosed?

What are the symptoms or health effects of MTHFR gene polymorphism?

How is MTHFR gene polymorphism treated?

Can MTHFR gene polymorphism be prevented?

What support resources are available for people with MTHFR gene polymorphism?